Impact of half-wave plate systematics on the observed CMB polarization
Talk, Trottier Space Institute special seminar, McGill University, Canada
All the places I've given a talk in person!
Talk, Trottier Space Institute special seminar, McGill University, Canada
Talk, CMB-Inflate meeting, online
Talk, COSMO'23 conference, Madrid, Spain
Invited talk, Beam Mode workshop, online
Invited talk, KEK-CMB Group Seminar, KEK, Japan
Abstract: The use of half-wave plates (HWPs) as a polarization modulators is a promising strategy to mitigate systematics in CMB experiments. However, if not calibrated well enough or correctly accounted for in the analysis, their non-idealities represent an additional source of systematics that can affect the science extracted from the polarization of the CMB. In this talk I will present a simple analytical model that allows to propagate their effects on the observed maps and I will discuss some implications for the measured cosmic birefringence angle and tensor-to-scalar ratio.
Invited talk, Cosmology Seminar, MPA, Germany
Slides available here.
Invited talk, Workshop on Very Light Dark Matter 2023, online
Talk, Gravity Group Meeting, UNB, Canada
Slides available here.
Talk, Cosmolunch, CITA, Canada
Talk, Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Canada
Invited talk, KEK-Cosmophysics Group Seminar, online
Talk, Galactic science and CMB foregrounds Workshop, Tenerife, Spain
Slides available here.
Talk, CMB group meeting, Kavli IPMU, Japan
Talk, CMB group meeting, KEK, Japan
Talk, 9th core-to-core program CMB Japan group seminar for young scientists, Kavli IPMU, Japan
Slides available here.
Talk, CMB-INFLATE kickoff meeting, online
Talk, LiteBIRD Global S2S, online
Poster presentation, LiteBIRD Global S2S, online
Poster available here.